World Masters Flying Disc Championships (rev. 4/22/03)

Event Descriptions

Players compete in seven events, vying for event titles and points toward the overall titles..

FREESTYLE -The intention of freestyle is performing creative, artistic maneuvers with a flying disc. In competition, freestyle is played by teams of two or three players who perform a routine to music. Routines are judged in three categories: difficulty, artistic impression, and execution. For more about freestyle and the Freestyle Players Association, go to:

Check out cool animations and photos and get information on tournaments and freestyle meccas at - the award winning Freestyle Frisbee Page.

DISC GOLF - The sport of golf with flying discs can be explored at The Professional Disc Golf association's website

DDC - Double disc court is an exciting 2-on-2 game which combines throwing and catching skills, quickness, strategy, and communication. Find out more at

SCF-Self Caught Flight is a disc field event that combines Maximun Time Aloft (MTA) and Throw Run and Catch (TRC). MTA measures the time a player's throw is in the air prior to it being caught cleanly with one hand and TRC measures the distance a player can throw a disc and catch the throw (also with one hand).  The two events are combined by awarding a single sum of points based on a player's MTA and TRC performances. In each round, a single SCF score is determined by multiplying the player's MTA score by a factor of 5.5 (rounded to the nearest hundredth) and adding it to the players TRC score in meters. For example, a 10.05 second MTA, worth 55.28 points would be added to a 57.41 meter TRC performance for a SCF score of 112.69 points. Most players use Fastback Frisbee discs or light Lynx discs for these events.

ACCURACY-Players attempt to hit the target area with four throws from each of seven stations. Perfection (28 of 28) has not yet been achieved.

DISTANCE-The farthest of five throws is measured.

DISCATHON-Discathon is a race in which you negotiate a winding course with discs. Good planning, accurate throws, and quick feet all contribute to a fast time.
For more info on Discathon, go to

The WFDF Home Page -  
has the rules and further information on the events.