I finally get it! |
May 13, 2019 |
Andrew Craighead from Columbia, MO United States
I couldn’t figure this out at first. I kept trying as my form and distance improved, but this disc still just took off out of my hand if thrown straight and flat will drop in front of you, and if thrown up on a hyzer will turn left so hard you’d think it was designed by NASCAR. I was certain this was given to me this as a joke.
But wait! Machete... a tool you take with you in the woods. When my Teebird was stuck in a tree, this is the disc I grabbed to knock it down. When there are spiderwebs everywhere, this is the disc I use to clear them. When I need to putt from my knee, I put it down as a pad. It even works for scraping mud off of the tee pad or your shoes. There are so many uses for this disc to earn a spot in your bag so long as you don’t throw it, it’s not designed for that. No matter how strong you are, no matter what the weather is like, no matter what your release angle is, DO NOT actually throw this disc.
I can’t wait to see what future uses I can find for this tool!
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